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更新时间:2021-03-03 11:42




Sika deer are eating grass with relish, suddenly, a stronghold in the decades, often heard suddenly fangyuan. Sika looked up and saw a tiger awe-inspiring coming to it. Want to escape apparently come not nasty, sika deer had to face up. The tiger is very strange, I am the king of beasts, what is it? Dare shall come up! So the tiger asked:

"Ah, you call what?"

"I called bugs, turn to eat." Sika deer takes to answer.

The tiger was taken aback, turn is my NaiMing, isn't it is eating my? So the tiger immediately after ask again: "you of the circle is stem what of?"

"I had a turn, one more round." Sika deer said.

The tiger alarmed to continue to ask: "you head Angle is stem what of?"

Sika deer, said: "this is I don't finish eat meat, turn in the 'spike fork hang on." "

With these words the tiger, cold, hurriedly ran off to thick mountains.

The tiger escaped into the mountains, met monkey. The tiger breathlessly replied: "outrageous! Today with a worm, has many circle, with two 'spike, it is special fork to turn to eat!"

The monkey laugh: "you cheated, that is the deer."

"Clearly bugs." The tiger contentious said.

Or, more ideas, monkey, said: "we see, you use my hanging vines upon you." Say that finish, the tiger with this idea, set off.

Sika deer saw the tiger back, back and monkeys. Sika deer, this is sure to guess the idea of monkeys, give it a penalty. So on the monkey said:

"The monkey, you the day before yesterday promised me a turn, how to send today!"

"Ah, I cheated to monkeys are!" The tiger immediately turned and ran to the dead mountain, the monkey fell on the ground, cane, wrapped dragged him. Sika has stood there continue to eat it with relish the grass.

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