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我只喜欢你片尾曲是?Never Let You Go歌词介绍
更新时间:2019-05-01 04:51

  我只喜欢你片尾曲是?Never Let You Go歌词介绍

  《中国梦之声》第二季成都试音会于昨晚(2014年10月12日)21:00登陆东方卫视,众多优秀的学员相继登场,其中有位名叫萨吉的选手因其独特的New Age风格和似王若琳的声线而被观众记住。

  How can I fake it over

  we don t talk anymore

  I m staring at the stars I wonder

  If you see the same

  Here I am again with memories

  your face with smile

  we were young and foolish but now we are only with sorrows

  I can t hide my love

  when I look into your eyes

  trying keep your pace but somehow you re miles away and I say

  I will be good for you

  And I will love the world you said I should

  But I love nothing in the world but you I ll

  never let you go

  I m sitting by the window I m well and you

  remember those days that faded

  Am I losing you

  sunlights are raining filled up with springs

  But I m without you

  All the memories came out of love and laughter frozen still

  I can t hide my love

  when I look into your eyes

  trying keep your pace but somehow you re miles away and I say

  I will be good for you

  And I will love the world you said I should

  But I love nothing in the world but you I ll

  never let you go

  But I love nothing in the world but you I ll

  never let you go

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